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Although no matter what point we get to, we may not leap out of bed with excitement every morning of every single day, shouting “I LOVE MY LIFE!”
Overall it is within our grasp to thoroughly enjoy the life we live.
Let me repeat that…
If you have trouble believing what I just said above, I’m like super duper happy you are here. If you stick with me, you’ll be all goo goo ga ga over your life like really soon (*Insert image of Elle Woods from Legally Blonde in your head;-)
I’m telling you this because I did this and I do this every day and I can help you do the same and keep doing it.
Plus!… it’s just way more fun Loving our Life than being all boo hoo, I’m a loser and will never be happy.
Am I right or am I right?
Yes, I know I promote and I think even with a 100% guarantee (don’t sue me) that you can create the life you want to live Every Single Day.
I still 110% back my gaurantee, because once you identify the goals You WANT all of the little steps along the way become a part of what you Want.
You see the big picture here right? If You Want the final outcome, you are also saying You Want all the stuff that’s a part of it and that’s required to hit your target.
Therefore, we are really creating and living the Life We Want To Live Every SIngle Da** Day.
Happiness is Awesome! But if we only attribute happiness to our goal or final outcome when it’s achieved it may be satisfying in the moment, but it will be temporary.
Happiness and Enjoyment has to be in the doing. Therefore if you’re doing it right, there will be a bunch of little things along the way towards your goal that will provide you with the happiness and enjoyment you seek.
Jerry Seinfeld’s comedy act may not stand up in court, but I’ve never questioned his fear of public speaking statistic below, probably because I personally know how real this fear is.
“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” – Jerry Seinfeld
Whether or not Jerry’s comedy skit rings true, I think we can all agree that what other people think is a pretty big deterrent in anything we do in life. From what we wear to what we do for a career.
One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given was to…
Never base your life decisions on the advice of people who do not have to live with the consequences.
Now I’m not going to tell you to not take advice from others, especially while I’m over trying to give you advice. But I am going to tell you that your feelings are more valid to you than anyone else’s feelings or thoughts on your life will ever be.
Knowing what you stand for, what you value and just plain like to do will only help you in living your best life and overcoming this fear of what other people think.
Do you guys remember the response of your teachers when you answered, “I don’t know.” Okay, I was homeschooled soo I’m totally guessing that your teacher’s responses were like my mother’s and they responded with, “I don’t know, is not the answer.”
Maybe just because it was my mom, but that answer really pissed me off. Like how is that not an answer? She asked a question, I answered. However, looking back, this was one of the most valuable lessons I received from her.
She was totally right (don’t tell her I said that), “I don’t know” is not The answer. It may be an answer, but until I get to the point of figuring it out, the question is not answered.
Sooo maybe you don’t know, but I bet ya that you do. You just haven’t figured it out yet and you might need to dig a bit deeper to get to The/Your answer.
Once you know what you Love, you can do more of it, spend more time around people you Love, at places you Love, doing things you Love. Doesn’t that sound way better than the other option? Just saying.
The only thing I’ll say here is that if someone else can do it, you can do it.
If you’re making time for all these things that you don’t Love, all of these things that just aren’t making you happy, I have a big surprise for you, YOU HAVE THE TIME.
It might require you to prioritize your time a little better, putting the things that make you happy at the top of the list, heck even on the list for some of us would be a good first start and really helpful.
If you read my last blog post outlining just how crucial it is that we plan for our goals, you already know my overarching belief that planning is vital in not only achieving our goals, but to create a life we Love.
If you didn’t get a chance to read my Amazing article (no low self-esteem here) don’t fret my dear, the link is right HERE!
Soooo the question really is…
(Just so you know, I know you’re grimacing right now reading “planning and scheduling”)
The answer is really simple.
Are you ready?
Wait for it.
Okay, here it is…
Start scheduling, planning and most importantly DOING more of what you love and less of what you hate. I know, basically everything in life is easier said than done, but this is really simple math that you just can’t manipulate.
Sometimes, 1 + 1 just equals 2. Let’s stop being so complicated. If I do more of what I love and less of what I hate, I will love more of my life and hate less of it.
Not rocket science here, but once we can grasp this concept we can start to look at our lives from a different perspective and you don’t even have to wear rose colored glasses (although they are totally in style right now so maybe throw on a pair once in a while).
The ultimate goal is to get to a point where we’re wearing Mr. Magoo glasses (not like actually wearing glasses, this is a metaphor people!), seeing everything clearer and more realistic than ever before and Yes without delusion or avoidance it is possible for us to be truly happy.
Sooo the next question is…
Again, the answer is really simple. Please see above (I’m just kidding), I’ll tell ya… Start scheduling, planning and most importantly DOING more of what you love and less of what you hate.
Okay, yes I’m totally cheating as I’ve already given you this gem, but when something works I personally and professionally recommend we keep doing it.
Okay guys, I’m going to end it here for now. If you got just one thing from this article, I hope it got you thinking about scheduling and planning a little differently. That your daily life can be filled with things that actually make You Happy, things YOU Enjoy and Love.
Otherwise, what’s the point, people?
I work through an Action Brainstorming Worksheet with my clients at the very beginning stages of the life coaching process to help them to identify actions or behaviors they can do more and less of to start living a life they love.
In honor of my new program launching, I am giving away a page from my Hit Your Goals Life Coaching Workbook my Action Brainstorming Worksheet for free. I am doing this because I strongly believe in the power of the activity and action.
This worksheet will help you better understand your actions or behaviors that you can STOP, do LESS of, KEEP DOING, do MORE of – and what you can START DOING to DO MORE OF WHAT YOU LOVE Every Single Day.
Download my Action Brainstorming Worksheet for FREE here.
Want to learn more skills to live your best life? Check out our article- The 2 Definitive Skills to Master in Order to “Live Your Best Life.”
If this all sounds great to you, but you’re looking for a little help along the way, please feel free to reach out to me. My Hit Your Goals Life Coaching Program can help get you to where you want to be.