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A Goals Map is a roadmap to your life. A space where you can get all your personal and professional objectives out of your head and on to a single living document. Finally put into words what you really want. Download yours now!

    Personally and professionally I know this time of year is tough for many reasons and that many of us (myself included) get through the holidays with a little liquid courage from time to time.  Some of us may be good with a glass every now and again. But when sobriety is something you are working […]

    Counseling, Personal

    March 17, 2021

    5 Tips Navigate the Holidays Sober

    Like many people I suppose, a lot of ideas come to me when I’m listening to music.  Fair warning, to all my non-country music lovers… I’m a country music fan. So a lot of the time my ‘inspo’ comes from country songs and I am not afraid to admit it! You can’t blame a girl, […]

    Counseling, Mindfulness, Personal

    March 17, 2021

    Family: Teaching us What Not to Do

    I’ve been seeing a theme in my blogs recently and maybe because it feels that this theme has also been happening in mine and alot of my client’s lives.  A kind of “How To (fill in the blank) When You Have A Whole Lot of Shit Going On” theme.   With the holidays upon us the general idea of being […]

    Coaching, Counseling

    March 17, 2021

    How to Be Grateful When You Have A Whole Lot of Shit Going On

    Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh My!  Ain’t got nothing on Depression, Anxiety, Loneliness, Sadness, Fear, Trauma, Panic and the list goes on…talk about…Oh My!  If you’re reading this right now, it’s likely that you and I both know that life is not all sunshine and rainbows. Despite how social media and even I may make it […]

    Coaching, Counseling

    March 17, 2021

    Why Thoughts, Emotions, and Behaviors are Controlling Your Life & How to Take Back Control AND your Life

    Can You Say, You Have No Regrets?! What does regret mean to you?  Do you have a lot of regrets?  Do you wish that you would’ve, should’ve, could’ve done things differently?  What if you changed how you thought about regrets?  Do you think that would change how you feel about regrets, about your past?  NO […]

    Coaching, Counseling, Mindfulness

    March 17, 2021

    Stop Living With Regrets & Start Looking At Them Differently

    When we are going through a loss of anyone or anything, it’s difficult to allow ourselves to move forward. Usually partly, because we don’t want to lose the related feelings and memories. That said, I think that most all loss no matter what the situation, is essentially the loss of “what was.”  So looking at loss that way, […]

    Coaching, Counseling, Mindfulness

    March 17, 2021

    How to Positively Navigate Through Life Transitions (Including Loss!)