A Goals Map is a roadmap to your life. A space where you can get all your personal and professional objectives out of your head and on to a single living document. Finally put into words what you really want. Download yours now!
So you’ve got ADHD and you’re a woman. Congratulations! You’ve hit the jackpot of societal expectations and neurological fun. While the world might expect you to be a perfectly organized domestic goddess, your brain is busy planning seventeen unrelated projects and wondering where you left your keys. Again. But fear not, fellow chaotic queens! Your […]
Can you actually find love online? According to a recent study, yes! For as many frustrated online love seekers as I speak to there are just as many, if not more, that have found love online. Including yours truly. Psychology Today has determined that finding love online does actually work. They completed a study with […]
With everything life throws at us it can be easy to feel that we are not in control of our life. Especially if we have responsibilities that require us to put our time and energy into things that don’t bring us joy. What if though, just for a minute, you allowed yourself to really think […]
Healthy relationships are a necessary component for our wellbeing. Studies have shown that strong relationships are critical factors in mental and physical health and contribute to longevity of life. Relationships come in various forms…friendships, family, romantic partners, neighbors, co-workers, and more. They are integral in providing social interaction, support in times of need, and connection […]
If I asked you what you wanted right now, unless you’re Mother Teresa you probably wouldn’t immediately answer, “I want to give to others!” Am I right? Do not be hard on yourself that giving to others is not your first instinctual answer to that question. For most of us, it’s not. And it’s important […]
If you follow me on social media or have read my blogs recently you’ve probably seen that I appeared on a health segment called Bloom for a local news channel twice so far. Since sharing this with you all via my blogs and social media I’ve received quite a few inquiries about how to do something like this. […]
Now that we are a few weeks into the New Year, how are those resolutions going? I’m not trying to be pessimistic here, but if I were to take a guess, I’m guessing keeping those resolutions that you really hoped you’d keep for the WHOLE YEAR, those resolutions that would change your life, are getting […]
Personally and professionally I know this time of year is tough for many reasons and that many of us (myself included) get through the holidays with a little liquid courage from time to time. Some of us may be good with a glass every now and again. But when sobriety is something you are working […]